Czech Biogas Association has been involved in national and international projects since foundation in 2007. CzBA plays active role in following projects:
As project leader/partner
Project is co-financed by ERDF through national funding programme OP Entreprenership and Innovation (5.1 SPTP01/003) and is focused on national technology platform establishment in the field of biogas.
More info here.
CzBA is involved in international consortium of 13 partners from all over Europe. This project is co-financed by EU within Intelligent Energy Europe programme and the whole title and number of the action is „Promoting the Uptake of Gaseous Vehicle Fuels, Biogas and Natural Gas, in Europe“ (IEE/08/545/SI2.528537).
More about project here.
As the member of stakeholder group:
CzBA was invited by SEVEn o.p.s. to contribute within stakeholders group of the project called „MADEGASCAR“ (Market development for gas driven cars) is a project operating from September 2007 to January 2010, funded by the IEE programme of the European Commission. The project aims at developing the market for gas driven vehicles – natural gas and biomethane fuelled vehicles – with the overall goal to increase the number of energy efficient and alternative fuelled vehicles in European countries.
More about project here.